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"I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are on the ground, by My great power and by My outstretched arm, and have given it to whom it seemed proper to Me." Jeremiah 27:5 

Healing by laying on of hands

A magnetizer is an alternative health practitioner who uses Life Energy, often referred to as "magnetism," to relieve pain and enhance the natural healing process by providing the body with the energy it lacks. 

The magnetizer is also known by other names, such as magnetic healer, energy magnetizer, or energy therapist. 


The magnetizer uses his hands or simply his intention to channel the vital energy towards the animal or person in treatment. This energy is often compared to a universal energy or a life force. The magnetizer can place his hands close to the person's body, touch them lightly or work remotely, depending on their preferred working method.

As a christian disciple, Julian speaks the word of Jesus Christ in every healing session, which is believed to be the reason of his exceptionnal results. 

Grand Oaks Resort - Equine Healing Center.jpg
Julian Lorin - Magnetism Healer - Equine

What happens during the session ?

The animal may feel a gentle warmth, sometimes a tingling. In most cases, it calms down during the session and can even fall asleep. A magnetism session brings immediate relief and a feeling of overall well-being.

What happens after the session ?

Recovery can be immediate or take up to 4 weeks, depending on how long the animal has been suffering of its condition.


Healing symptoms may appear at the end of the session, such as fever or temporary inflammation, which are signs of an effective immune response.

Depending on the improvement achieved in 4 weeks,  the need to continue the sessions will be discussed, in order to reach a complete recovery.


Julian's purpose

Julian has been practicing magnetism healing professionally for 7 years.


He has treated tens of thousands of animals around the world.

Horses are the animals that are most often entrusted to him because of his undeniable results on pathologies considered incurable. Julian is however aiming to heal all kind of animals. Every smallest living being has a great value to him, as he strives to be at God's service, by taking care of His Creation. 

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